Im Juli hatte ich die Gelegenheit, zwei Eurofighter bei einem Air2Air Shooting abzulichten.
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In 2022 I had little time to pursue my hobby for professional and private reasons. But I didn't miss the annual highlight of the aviation shooting at Axalp and I spent two days there. A special surprise this year: two Italian F-35s flew over the...
Artikel lesenAs in 2019 and 2020, a decentralization exercise by the Swiss Air Force took place again this year. This year the exercise took place at the airfield in St. Stephan, a former Reduit airfield of the Swiss Air Force, where military jets regularly...
Artikel lesenAfter a one-year break due to the Corona Pandemia, the aerial shooting event took place again at Axalp in 2021. The event is no longer officially referred to as an “aviation shooting” because now only the F/A-18s are left that shoot at targets....
Artikel lesenThe airshow at Base Aerienne 116 in Luxeuil was a photographic highlight for me in 2021. The airbase in northeastern France is the homebase of the Groupe de Chasse 1/2 'Cigognes' (Storks) with their Dassault Mirage 2000-5F, which have already been...
Artikel lesenOn Saturday, September 4th, the Mollis hunter association celebrated its 25th anniversary with a little air show. The background of the association is the preservation of the “Graffity Hunter” J-4015, which is no longer flying but is still kept...
Artikel lesenAs part of the 2020 training course in Meringen, a “decentralization exercise” took place in Mollis with 4 F/A-18 Hornets. Mollis served as a military airfield since the 1930s and was used as a jet airfield until 1999. After that, the airfield...
Artikel lesenThe annual training course (WK) of Airfield Command 13 in Meiringen took place this September. In addition to the F/A-18 Hornets from Fliegerstaffel 11 stationed in Meringen, some F-5 Tigers also flew their rounds every day. Since I've been to...
Artikel lesenThe year 2020 was not a good year photographically. Because of COVID 19, almost all air shows and large military exercises have been canceled. But flight operations at the airfields were of course maintained. So I visited Meiringen airfield a few...
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